Monday, April 26, 2010

LOVE GONE LOST (about a dog)

I fell down, my cries...cause of that. But by the time I went back to life in my home by the sea...Love makes me happy but sad makes me sad. Mad makes me mad. (Ooooo) Come back! I am sad but, just...I can't feel my love! (Ooooo) There you are back in the room! Just go! (I can't see my love.) Just go! (I can't hear my love!) Baby, come back! Love. The end!

Edited by mom to add an interpretation: First, a synopsis...Lilly was watching My Dog Skip with me and I forgot that it had some deep stuff in it...she was shocked when the little boy hit his dog and then when the dog gets attacked by the bad man and ends up in the hospital she was struck with every emotion here is the interpretation in quotes:

I fell down my cries...cause of that. (she literally fell to her knees when she started to cry)

But by the time I went back to life in my home by the sea...(not so sure what this means but I'm thinking by the time she gathered her emotions she started to cry again)

(And basically the rest is self explanatory...she is explaining her emotions on how those scenes made her feel...I'm very proud of her because this is mature stuff coming from a 6 yr old and she was able to verbalize it in such a creative and deeply personal way!)

1 comment:

  1. Lilly,
    Never stop reading. Never stop writing. your thoughts are beutiful and so are you.
    Grandma & Grandpappy
