Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chapter 2

Chapter 2
In a couple of weeks it will be my birthday, I will be six years old! My mom asked what type of party I wanted and I did not know so she suggested having a small party at our house. She asked me for the names of 4-6 friends to invite, I gave her 10 just in case she allowed this many more. She didn't and I had to make the hardest decision ever by taking 4 names off the list.

We decided to make my party theme a girly make-over/glamor photo-shoot party. My aunts, their friends and Annabelle's mom agreed to be our make-over technicians. My mom bought supplies for a nail station, make-up station and a costume station complete with different color wigs for each of the girls. I was getting so excited!

The week leading up to my birthday was hard because all I could think about was my party! In school I felt my mind wander from math and spelling to all the decorations and props that were sitting in bags in the dining room waiting for my big day. I made sure to do my work extra fast so that the days would hurry up and be over but no matter how fast I did my work the days seemed to go by even slower than normal. Mrs. Walton had to tell me to slow down and work neatly but I just couldn't help myself, I was too excited!

Friday finally came and I was even more excited than ever! I stared at the clock in the classroom and made sure not to make any mistakes because mistakes meant having to do it over and there just wasn't any time to waste on stuff like that. Lunchtime came which meant time was drawing nearer to the end of the day.

While on the lunch line waiting to get Friday's pizza special I noticed my friend Jill was being bothered by a boy named Omar. She kept telling him to leave her alone and then all of the sudden I saw Omar slap Jill in the face. I was beyond shocked and mad so I went up to Omar and told him that he has to leave my friend alone. He told me to be quiet and that he could do whatever he felt like. This angered me because I knew it was wrong so I smacked him in the face. He was completely shocked and asked why I did that and I said because he hit Jill and he said so what so I hit him again. Then he hit me back and the next thing I knew both Omar and I were sitting in the vice principal's office.

Mr. Summer was our vice principal. He was shorter than my dad but a lot louder and much more serious. Right before he asked us what had happened Omar started to cry. Before Mr. Summer could take pity on his tears I decided to tell the whole story. When I was finished Mr. Summer asked Omar if he agreed with what I had just said and Omar nodded his head. Mr. Summer told me that there was a better way to have handled the situation like going to a teacher or another grown-up after seeing Jill get slapped by Omar. Then he told Omar he never wanted to see him slap, hit or touch another person again. I whispered to Omar that he should try sitting on his hands because it works and Mr. Summer gave me a funny look which made me go instantly silent.

We were to sit in his office until the bell rang but I quickly remembered neither Omar or I had eaten lunch. Mr. Summer's face turned a fire engine red and called the secretary into his office. In less than 5 minutes yogurt, fruit and milk were brought to us. Mr. Summer apologized to us and said this was all that was left of lunch and let Omar and I eat past the bell. When we were done eating we were escorted back to our classroom.

My mom and dad instantly noticed the sad look on my face when the bus brought me home. After they asked what was wrong the 3rd time I couldn't keep it in anymore and started to cry. I explained everything best I could in between fits of tears. I think my mom was confused because she kept asking questions over and over again which made me get a little angry. I told her I didn't want to talk about it anymore and went to my room and shut my door. I heard mom and dad mumble through the door and then I heard the phone dial. My dad was calling Mr. Summer to get everyone's side of the story.

After what felt like many hours my mom and dad knocked on my door. I opened it without looking at them. My dad scooped me up into his arms and hugged me for a few seconds then handed me to mom. Dad stayed hugging me with mom and they both gave me an even tighter hug. We sat on my bed and we talked about how I could have made a better decision so that the outcome would have turned out positive. I told them I knew the right decision but I hated seeing my friend get bullied like that, I just needed to help her anyway I could plus Omar needed to be taught a lesson. Mom and dad told me they understood but was hoping that I'd decide to make a better decision in the future.

I was put on punishment and had to prove all weekend that I deserved my birthday party or else it would be canceled. This made me cry but I knew what needed to happen so I started to write a plan in my head: Make my bed, feed kitty, pick up my toys, help mom and dad without being told, stay quiet, go to bed on time, wash myself without giving a hard time and the list kept growing because I was determined not to have my party canceled!

1 comment:

  1. It is great that you stuck up for your friend. I am not surprised that you were deeply upset by this. It was probably hard on your parents to ground you for defending your friend.
